We have the required administrative authorisations for the maintenance of lifting devices. To this end, we have the appropriate human and technical resources at managerial, administrational, commercial and organisational levels to allow for the implementation of preventive, corrective, legal and technical maintenance, aimed at meeting the requirements of our customers.
An appropriate program of preventive maintenance reduces repair costs and service interruptions, as well as increasing the system lifespan and allowing for the identification of any repetitive failures.

We have the required administrative authorisations for the maintenance of lifting devices.

24 h Service
Civil liability insurance
Technical and legal advice
Energy efficiency study
Preventive maintenance service

All service “PREMIER”
Corrective cover 80%
Corrective maintenance
Repairs of parts
Replacing Parts

All service “PREMIER PLUS”
Corrective cover 100%
Preventive service
Energy efficiency
Special visits

We have enough material, human and technical resources to maintain any brand; our availability of stock is total, as the Confederación Nacional de Construcción (CNC) states in its reports. Our prices can mean a reduction of your annual fee, which can vary from 10% to 50% savings, depending on a technical inspection of the facilities (at no cost to the customer).

We will provide, on request, both technical and legal advice to users in order to keep them informed about the regulations that may apply to the particular system to be installed, as well as any information related to the most appropriate product for each situation. With regard to legal issues, Embarba will, at no additional cost, put the necessary legal advice at the disposal of the future customer.

We offer the possibility to completely replace the lift, gaining comfort and safety while lowering energy consumption, which consequently reduces energy bills. Embarba commits itself to looking for the best option to replace your lift system.

We have specialised teams comprised of staff with an extensive experience of any brand on the market. Effectiveness and efficiency are the main values that we apply to our customer service and repairs. Modernisations will always include the latest technology, which will make you feel as if you were using the lift for the first time.

- The standard screens of the NEWSGLOBAL device can be of 7", 10", and 15" and, moreover, it can be used in large format sizes of 40" and 50".
- View of floors and regulations: It shows floor numbers, the movement direction, the load capacity, the Lifting Device Registry, CE mark and any other information required by law.
- Weather information, news and customised notices: To make the interaction with these devices even more attractive, we have incorporated a weather information and news area which, without interfering with the general functioning, provides an added value which is highly appreciated by the end-user. Moreover, we can send customised notices that can provide the user with any relevant information.
- Advertisements and HD images and videos: All NEWSGLOBAL devices are provided with hardware capable of playing HD videos for greater impact.
- Connectivity and control over content: We make a difference in connectivity. Thanks to this feature, the user has total control over what the display shows 24/7.

We offer the premium service of communication, which includes:
- Control of the EN81-28 standards.
- Flat-rate for voice calls to rescue numbers, 100mb per SIM for its connection to the cloud, regularly checking the GSM equipment.
- The latest generation GSM module of complying with EN81-28.
- Daily reports on the state of telephone lines.
- Echo Test – verifies the date and time when the technician has been visited the installation. Where applicable, it also includes verification voice recording of the rescue team.
- Remote programming of the communication systems whenever necessary and possible.
- Telemetry reporting on the points that are showing problems, thanks to which we are be able to anticipate potential breakdowns.
- Possibility of telephone control through the cloud on the part of the service responsible.
- 24h availability of staff qualified to act on the lift line after a problem. In this case, we are one of the few companies providing this service.

The lift drive system consumes approximately 25% of its total energy. This system has been in constant evolution, starting with one-speed motors, and then two-speed ones. These would later be replaced by electric lifts of variable frequency, which in turn have become high-efficiency permanent magnets gearless motors with variable frequency. Electric motors are the most efficient (about 90%) and they can be complemented with frequency shifters allowing for softer starts and stops. Consequently, it reduces the high consumption derived from the intensity peaks produced in those moments. This translates into a saving of 25% to 40% in comparison with conventional electric lifts and up to 60% when compared with hydraulic drive lifts. By controlling the cars lighting system, we ensure that it turns off when the lifting device is not in use. This translates into greater energy savings, given that the lighting is turned on for just one and a half hours a day - taking as reference a lift in a seven storey building with 50 homes.

Know our range of products where to apply our services of maintenance according to your needs of maintenance