Our daily life is not only composed of people around us, but we are surrounded by infinite objects that facilitate our day and in many cases need to be transported.
Our solutions are able to adapt to the customer's needs by offering lifting solutions for the smallest book, cooking plates, vehicles or freight up to 10 Ton, all with a wide range of options of size, weight or heights and allowing the customer to customize it with safety and maintenance extras that increasing their service life.
All these solutions are designed for industrial centers, hotels, car parks, hospitals or libraries.

PRH Freight lifts
They are elevators with hydraulic technology for the vertical transport of loads and designed to lift loads up to 10,000 kg (*) with a great capacity of personalization, offering a wide range of dimensions, routes and stops. These devices are designed for industry or department stores where it is necessary to transport high quantities of products or heavy products.
For safety regulations this type of lifting device is prohibited for the transport of persons.
Note (*) A previous study by our Technical Department to see the feasibility of the project is necessary.

MH service lifts
These elevators are very useful and easy to transport elements such as food, parcels, documents, etc. Because of their particular use, these elevators are installed mainly in restaurants, hotels, shops, offices, hospitals and any building that needs this peculiar but useful solution in elevation.
The installation is relatively simple, for this it is necessary to have a space reserved for the installation of this apparatus and where it is going to be placed for its later putting into operation. To facilitate its use, save time and money of installation on site have a direct connection to the electricity grid to be used as ordinary household appliance as may be in your kitchen or living room.

To know more modalities and cabin configurations access our catalogs